1. Name: The Association shall be called as “The Andhra Pradesh Veterinary Association” (Herein after referred to as the Association) with Head Quarters at Vijayawada and jurisdiction over the whole of Andhra Pradesh State.
2. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the Association shall be:
a) To promote the professional knowledge of its members.
b) To strengthen the integrity and dignity of the Veterinary profession in General.
c) To create “Esprit-de-corps” among its members and safeguard the professional ethics.
d) To consider all questions and laws or proposed legislations concerning the Veterinary profession and Veterinary education and initiate or take such steps from time to time regarding the same as may be deemed expedient and / or necessary in the interest of the profession.
e) To assist, co-operate or affiliate with or be affiliated to or amalgamated with any other public body having its objectives similar to those of this Association.
f) To institute awards to recognize the deserving veterinarians for the exemplary services rendered to the profession.
g) To help the advancement of Veterinary Science in all its aspects
3. OFFICIAL YEAR AND TENURE: The official year of the Association shall be the Calendar year. The tenure of the elected office-bearers and managing committee shall be two calendar years.
4. A. MEMBERSHIP: The Membership of the Association shall consist of the following categories:
a) Patrons: Distinguished personages may be invited to become patrons of the Association. They can take part in all discussions but shall not be eligible for voting, nor can any decisions of the Association be binding on them.
b) Honorary Members: Persons of high scientific attainment, or those who have rendered conspicuous service to the Association, may be elected as Honorary members.
c) Members - Any person possessing a recognized degree whereby he/she is declared as a graduate of Veterinary Science with APVC/VCI registration is eligible to become a member of the Association.
4. B. MODE OF ADMISSION: Every application for membership be made to the General Secretary of the Association in the prescribed form together with the subscription and admission fees. He shall then place it before the Managing Committee for decision. The power to admit, refuse or re-admit vests in the Managing Committee.
5. SUBSCRIPTIONS:-The following subscriptions shall be collected from patrons /members
a) Patron fee -Rs.1,00,000/-
b) Honorary members shall not have to pay any subscription.
c) The subscriptions for the membership of the Association shall be Rs.1000/- (Rupees Eleven hundred only) payable towards lifetime membership and Rs.100 towards Admission Fee (as amended in the General Body meeting dated 01.05.2022) the Life time membership Fee shall be shared between state association and district Chapters @ 60 : 40. No refund will be given even upon resigning to the membership of the association.
6. MANAGEMENT: The Management of the Association will be vested in a Managing Committee.
i. The Managing Committee shall consists of
ii. A President – Director of Animal Husbandry Department shall be the president of APVA with the fulfilment of procedural requirements of nomination and others as per the election protocol.
iii. 5 (Five) Vice-Presidents (one post reserved for each zone and one post reserved for Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University)
iv. A General Secretary.
v. 6 (Six) Joint secretaries (one post reserved for each zone, one post reserved for APVA Headquarter city at Vijayawada/ Head office/ Other sector) and one post reserved for Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University).
vi. A Treasurer
vii. President of Veterinary Asst. Surgeons Service Association & President of APAHOSA.
viii. Other eligible co-opted Executive Members from the remaining districts, from where representation not available through elected office bearers.
ix. Election of the Office bearers.
a. The President, 5 Vice Presidents, General Secretary, 6 Joint Secretaries, Treasurer of the Managing Committee shall be elected in the General Body meeting of the Association .
b. The Executive Members will be co-opted / nominated by the elected office bearers.
c. The Managing Committee shall have power to fill up temporarily vacancies occurring between two general elections and the members so elected shall automatically retire at the end of the official year or at the election of the next Managing Committee.
d. The Managing Committee shall have power to co-opt members for any one meeting up to six, but the co-opted members shall have no right to vote.
e. No person shall hold more than one position during the same tenure in both the managing committee and at district branches.
f. The Managing Committee shall have power to appoint the Election Committee / other committees as deemed necessary from time to time.
Amendments:- No Rule shall be altered or annulled and no new rule shall be introduced except with the consent of the 3/4th of the members present and voting at a meeting of the General Body of the Association.
i. He shall preside over all the meetings of the General Body of the Association.
ii. He shall preside over the meetings of the Managing Committee and or any other committee of which he is a member and has the right to attend any sub-committee meeting appointed by the Managing Committee.
iii. He shall guide and control the activities of the Association on behalf of the Managing Committee.
iv. He shall regulate the proceedings of the meeting and interpret the rules and Byelaws and decide doubtful points.
v. He shall in addition to his ordinary vote have a casting vote in case of equality of votes.
vi. To appoint or remove salaried employees of the Association.
vii. Generally, to take all necessary steps in furtherance of the objectives of the Association.
8. VICE-PRESIDENT: In the absence of the President ,one of the Vice-president’s will preside over the meeting and shall perform the duties pertaining to the office.
9. GENERAL SECRETARY: The Secretary shall:
a. Be the custodian of the records and properties of the Association, an inventory of which must be maintained at his office.
b. Look after all the business of the Association.
c. Convene all meetings of the General body or of the Managing Committee, or sub-committees.
d. Submit an annual report of the Association incorporating the audited statement of receipts and expenditure of the treasurer.
e. Carry out the Rules, Bylaws and Resolutions of the Association and of the Managing Committee.
f. And with the consent of the Managing Committee do all other acts for the fulfillment of the objects of the Association.
10. THE JOINT SECRETARIES: One of the Joint Secretaries shall help the Secretary in all his duties and can act as Secretary in his absence.
(a) Help the Secretary in all his duties.
(b) Receive all money of the Association and deposit them in SB/Current Account in any Scheduled Bank at Vijayawada and withdraw when necessary. All Bank/Financial transactions to be operated jointly by General Secretary and Treasurer.
(c) Maintain an account of receipts and expenditure and submit it to the Managing Committee as and when required, and
(d) Be responsible for the collection of all subscriptions.
12. FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OF THE MANAGING COMMITTEE: The Managing Committee shall have power;
(a) To raise money in such manner as the Association may deem fit from time to time whenever necessary and collect subscription and donations for the advancement of the objects of the Association.
(b) To purchase, take lease of or otherwise acquire with the permission of the Government/Director of Animal Husbandry whenever necessary, manage, let on lease or dispose off, movable or immovable properties for the purpose of the Association.
(c) To sanction all expenditure of the Association.
(d) To arrange for the audit of the accounts of the members.
(e) To frame bye-laws in furtherance of the objects of the Association subject to the approval of the General Body at its next meeting.
(f) To guide the profession in all matters.
(g) To admit, re-admit or refuse applications for membership.
(h) To suspend members
Note: Suspended members will have a right of appeal to the General Body.
13. DISTRICT CHAPTERS:- It shall be competent for the mofussil members of the profession to form District Branches of the Association with the consent of the Managing Committee in furtherance of the object of the Association. All rules and bye laws formulated for the state elected office bearers shall be applicable to the district branches otherwise specifically mentioned.
The District Branches shall consists of
i. President - One Post (DAHO shall be the president of APVA with the fulfilment of procedural requirements of nomination and others as per the election protocol
ii. Vice president – Four posts (shall include representation from APAHOSA & APVASSA members, other veterinarians working in various other sectors, retired Veterinarians and Veterinarians working in universities)
iii. General Secretary - One Post
iv. Joint Secretaries - Four posts (shall include representation from APAHOSA & APVASSA members, other veterinarians working in various other sectors, retired Veterinarians and Veterinarians working in universities)
v. Treasurer - One Post.
District chapters shall act as per the guidelines issued by the Managing committee of AP Veterinary Association. Vet homes and other properties of districts Chapters shall be managed as per the directions of APVA and the District chapters can manage properties without violating the APVA Directions. The existing properties of District chapters /other Veterinarian Associations shall be handed over to the newly formed District Chapters and the previous District Chapters/other Veterinarian Associations will cease to function after formation new Chapters
14. FUNDS:-
A. Income: The funds or the income of the Association shall be derived from the following sources.
i. Special contributions, or any other Funds or donations raised.
ii. Income derived from the properties of the Association
B. Expenditure: The Managing Committee shall out of the funds of the Association, meet all the ordinary expenses and shall pay rent, salaries, wages and such other charges as may be necessary for carrying on the work of the Association.
C. The Managing Committee shall reimburse the amounts to the members officially deputed to attend meetings / other assignments representing association / on behalf of the association both within and outside the state.
A. General Body:
a) At least one meeting of the General Body shall be held once in two years for the election of the Office bearers, discussion of professional subjects and such other subjects in furtherance of the other objectives of the Association. A record of the proceedings of the above meeting shall be maintained and published as far as possible in the Indian Veterinary Journal, or any other Veterinary Journal in India.
b) Notice of the General Body meeting shall be published in one or two state wide daily news papers and also sent to the president district Chapters/ District Animal Husbandry Officers (DAHO) / Divisional Deputy Directors (AH) in order to communicate to the members ordinarily at least 30 days before the dates fixed for it giving the place, date and hour of the meeting and agenda for all the business to be brought before it.
c) Quorum for the Annual General Body meeting shall be 250 or 1/5th of the total membership eligible to vote as on the last day of proceeding month of the General Body meeting, which ever is less.
B. Procedure and order of business:
a) The election of a Chairman for the meeting if necessary, in the absence of the President and Vice-President.
b) Election of the office bearers and other members of the Managing Committee bi-annually (two years).
c) Election of representatives to the State Veterinary Council, the Indian Veterinary Council and any other body.
d) Adoption of the Annual Report with the audited statement of accounts of the previous year.
e) Disposal of resolutions brought forward by the Managing Committee and the individual members of the association.
1. Except with the special permission of the president (chairman) no resolution shall be ordinarily placed before the General Body which is not been previously considered by the Managing Committee.
2. Resolutions sponsored by individual members must reach the Secretary at least 10 days before the date of the Meeting. Amendments to the constitution, if proposed by members shall be sent to the Secretary at least 15 days in advance of the General Body Meeting.
3. At all meetings of the General Body, the decision of the majority of those present shall prevail and in cases of equality votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
4. No Rule shall be altered or annulled and no new rule introduced except with the consent of the 3/4th of the members present and voting at a meeting of the General Body of the Association.
A. Managing Committee:
a. The Managing Committee shall meet quarterly or as often as necessary, the quorum for such meeting being 10, including the chairman.
b. The President and in his absence one of the Vice-President shall preside at the meeting of the Managing Committee. In absence of all the three any member, other than the Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer elected by the members, present shall preside at the meetings of the Managing Committee.
c. At all meetings of the Managing Committee the decision of the majority of those present shall prevail and in cases of the equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
d. At least one week notice shall ordinarily be given for the meetings of the Managing Committee.
B. Extraordinary General Body Meetings: The Managing Committee may whenever it thinks fit or shall, on a requisition made in writing by at least 50 of the eligible meeting, proposed to be called and must be signed by the requisitions legibly and placed with the Secretary who shall in consultation with the President, call an extraordinary meeting of the General Body with in 30 days of the receipt of the requisition.
1) Notice of the extra ordinary General Body meeting shall be sent to the members at least 10 days and the agenda.
2) Nothing, except the business for which it is called for, shall be discussed at an extraordinary meeting of the General Body.
3) The Quorum for such a meeting shall be 100 at least half of whom shall be those who have not signed the requisition.
4) If within half an hour from the appointed time there is no quorum, the meeting convened on the requisition of the members, shall be dissolved, but in other cases shall adjourned to be called again by the Secretary in consultation with the President.
5) Meetings/other professional activities at any level can be conducted in ONLINE / HYBRID mode, but policy decisions of the association cannot be taken.
1. PRESIDENT: The President shall have permission to incur an expenditure up to Rs.25000 at a time for urgent expenditure subject to the ratification of the Managing Committee.
2. GENERAL SECRETARY: The Secretary shall have permission to incur Rs.15000 at a time. Items of expenditure exceeding (Rs.15000) at a time shall have previous sanction of the Managing Committee.
Note: The President and General Secretary should recoup the amount from the Treasurer with the necessary vouchers.
a. The Treasurer shall have an amount of Rs. 10000 as permanent advance to meet the cash expenses any excess amount shall be deposited in the Bank with in 10 days.
b. The Treasurer may draw from the Bank only on demand for the money from the President/Secretary for bonafide expenses of the Association.
c. The Treasurer shall sign all the receipts. Vouchers for all expenses must be obtained and filled in the office of the Treasurer, who shall present them for checking of the Managing Committee. These vouchers can be destroyed after three years.
d. A Chartered Accountant appointed by the Managing Committee at the end of each calendar year and ratified by the General Body shall audit the Accounts of the Association.
The Secretary and Treasurer shall maintain the following books:
1. Minutes Book
2. Register of Members.
3. Register for Booking the Meeting Hall.
4. Register for Booking Vet`s Home Rooms.
5. Inventory.
6. Correspondence.
1. Subscription book
2. Receipt book
3. Cash book
4. Voucher book
5. Savings/Current Bank passbook
6. Ledger.
7. Donations book